On Air Again
Yesterday evening I had the chance to test the transmit with the new battery. The relais in Cologne (DBØVK 2m and DBØSK 70cm) are not used very often, what is a pity for such a large city. But luckily we have a couple of other relais in the smaller cities around. And I was quite surprised that I received the 70cm of DBØXO in Bergheim with S9, although it is about 20km away.
There I had a QSO with Manfred DJ4EW, who confirmed that the modulation of my transmits is clear and without any disturbing noise. He said that he uses a portable device from Standard which is older than I am (what I don’t believe 😉 )… We also talked about my DOK D23, as he wondered that I’m registered in Berlin, but live in Cologne. The most important question was, how we route the QSL-cards, when you can’t fetch them at your local club-meeting.
This noon I switched on the transceiver and instantly I received a call from Michael DO3BOX via DBØVK. Great to hear somebody else from D23 on the Cologne relais! 🙂 I guess, we will have some more QSOs in the future and I hope that more D23-members in this area will join us.