Another time outdoors in Büren at DF0AT taking part in the IARU HF World Championship 14. This time I did not worked as an operator but standing in the background and talked a lot with the other YLs and OMs. All in all we had around 500 QSOs with DK0CCC. Not bad, but I’m looking forward to the WAG Contest in October.
This is one of my “lost blogs”. No update within 3.5 years, but I still own my ham radio license. There were some but too few activities in this time.
First I changed my locator to JO62RM, that is Berlin. Unfortunately I’m living now in the 1st floor, so that any antenna won’t help. I even sold my car where I had a 2m/70cm mobile radio installed. So there is barely a chance that I will work any frequencies from home.
But with some friends I rented a shared space in a building on a small hill inside the city. The view is great – and so is the range for radio waves. During the next months I want to install some ham radio equipment over there and even teach other interested people for the German license.
Furthermore I was elected into the board of the DARC group D23 / Chaoswelle. My job will be the communication with the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), the origin of this group.
My next activities will be during the upcoming IARU HF World Championship 2013 (July 13/14), the D23 Fieldday (August 17/18), the Worked All Germany 2013 (October 19/20) and finally the 30th Chaos Communication Congress (27–30 December).
Again we are in Büren at DF0AT for participating in the Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest. It’s rainy, cold and a bit stormy — or in other words: typical Chaoswelle weather. But we have a warm shack and another warm room for chatting with the persons who are not operating in the contest. Also I’m camping outdoors and my tent is standing the rain.
Let’s see how many points we can collect. As long as we don’t forget to send in the logs like after the IARU-contest…