Today I received confirmation from the BundesNetzAgentur (BNetzA) that the clubstation call sign DF0X is registered. The location for this call is the hackspace AfRA in Berlin-Lichtenberg. That’s the location where we meet weekly with several ham radio operators, give lessons for the ham radio exam and built some antennas. Furthermore we will use this call for our UrbanHamRadio activities.
This is already the third call sign registered on my name. Beside DC4LW I also own the educational call sign DN3CCC, which I’m not allowed to use personally, but trainees under my guidance.
I planned this for a long time, now I fixed the dates: a course for German Class A ham radio license in Berlin. This course will be in German only and needs personal presence in our training location in Berlin-Lichtenberg.
Additional information is available on the Chaoswelle website.
It’s been four years since the last Fieldday at the good known old location near Celle. We planned the Fieldday for August 14–19 2013 at end of March, so that interested operators can plan with a lot of time ahead.

Fieldday in Celle
Furthermore we added some “extra days”. Arrival started on Wednesday and departure on Monday. I for myself arrived on early Thursday morning and left on Sunday afternoon. These were a four day mini vacation.
We set up two tents, one for the ham equipment and the other one as kitchen. Between the two tents we had some seats and tables protected against sun and rain by a tarp. And we had a lot of space for antennas. In the end there were five antennas set up, one even high up in the trees thrown up with a fishing rod.
My goal was to test my new IC-7000 on shortwave bands. I never had the chance, as I don’t own an antenna yet. I played around with the filters and all the other electronic gadgets in this device which are not available for 70cm or 2m.
I really liked the weekend with more than 30 attendees and people I didn’t meet in a long time. It’s not confirmed if we will organize another summer Fieldday next year, as there might be the event ICMP which is traditionally also an event where a lot of ham radio folks from Chaoswelle will show up.