This is one of my “lost blogs”. No update within 3.5 years, but I still own my ham radio license. There were some but too few activities in this time.
First I changed my locator to JO62RM, that is Berlin. Unfortunately I’m living now in the 1st floor, so that any antenna won’t help. I even sold my car where I had a 2m/70cm mobile radio installed. So there is barely a chance that I will work any frequencies from home.
But with some friends I rented a shared space in a building on a small hill inside the city. The view is great – and so is the range for radio waves. During the next months I want to install some ham radio equipment over there and even teach other interested people for the German license.
Furthermore I was elected into the board of the DARC group D23 / Chaoswelle. My job will be the communication with the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), the origin of this group.
My next activities will be during the upcoming IARU HF World Championship 2013 (July 13/14), the D23 Fieldday (August 17/18), the Worked All Germany 2013 (October 19/20) and finally the 30th Chaos Communication Congress (27–30 December).
After a long day of work and 1000km in a new car, I finally arrived at our contest location in Büren. Seven other operators were already at the site and gave me a warm welcome.
First I needed to get rid off my suit and set up my tent in a short period without rain. After the delivered pizza food I gave out the QSL-cards. The situation looked like Christmas or a family gathering: everbody looked through his cards and showed the best to the others 🙂 I felt like at home and at a place where I belong to.
The shack is not that large, but cozy and well equipped for the contest.

I just fetched around 200 QSL-cards from our DOK QSL-card-manager Mareike DO4HSI. These are cards for our D23-crew members at the IARU-contest-location in Büren this weekend.
Contests, Fielddays and other meetings are a good chance for handing out QSL-cards to the D23-members which has been sent to our QSL-card-manager by the DARC QSL-bureau. As I live nearby to DO4HSI it is no problem to fetch the – every time carefully sorted and packed (thanks for the service! 🙂 ) – cards and take them with me to the events I visit. With the help of our preparation-pages in our Wiki (like this for the contest) we know who will attend an event or we ask at our mailing-list who wants to have her/his card proxy-routed by somebody else. This works for a couple of years already and the number of cards increase with the number of members and our activities.
This time I also received two cards! One from Klaus DM2DTH with whom I had a PSK31 conversation on 80m in August 2008 and the other one is from my conversation with DO3BOX last Saturday 🙂